The Snowing and Greening of Thomas Passmore

Something strange is happening to Thomas Passmore.

Waking from a warm Australian beach, he finds himself at London’s Heathrow Airport on a winter’s morning, but can’t remember travelling there. And his journey is about to get even more bizarre.

As he’s overwhelmed by an increasingly vivid sense of déjà-vu, Thomas’s past and present collide until he can no longer avoid reuniting with the ghosts that haunt him and confronting the person he’s become.

Haunted by his father’s suicide, his mother’s rejection and by increasingly vivid dreams of Kate Hainley, his first love – who he’s never been able to fall out of love with – Thomas’s bizarre journey takes him into a world where one man’s struggle to live again is as timeless as the turning of the seasons.

This is a quirky and magical tale of loss, love and learning to live.

The Snowing and Greening of Thomas Passmore (PaperBooks/Legend Press 2008 edition)
The Snowing and Greening of Thomas Passmore (Ulverscroft large print 2009 edition)

Burman’s first novel reveals an inventive, passionate and insightful writer

The Independent

One of the great joys of reviewing is happening upon a small press book from a first author that is so good, you can’t stop thinking about it. It’s a wonderful serendipity that publishers, agents and reviewers wearily hope for and rarely find. The Snowing and Greening of Thomas Passmore is one of those books. It’s tightly, expertly written, and yet so tenderly rendered, that the reader descends directly into Thomas Passmore’s dreams, struggling to surface back to reality along with the protagonist.

Compulsive Reader